Agri-food matchmaking on resource efficiency, renewable energy and fertiliser solutions

05 DECEMBER 2022, 09:00-18:00

Agri-food matchmaking on resource efficiency, renewable energy and fertiliser solutions

To accelerate energy efficiency, renewable energy and scaling up of circular fertilisers solutions

The European Commission organises the matchmaking event in the context of food business and marketing practices. The event will take place virtually through B2Match, on Monday 5th of December 2022.

The event will provide a unique opportunity to attend inspiring plenary sessions, instructional seminars, and one-on-one discussions to guarantee knowledge expansion and the formation of new strategic alliances. Participation is free of charge.

This matchmaking event will focus on the agri-food ecosystem and in particular on the topics of:

  • uptake of resource efficiency technologies,
  • deployment of renewable energy and
  • scaling-up of innovative circular fertiliser production methods.

More information is available on the dedicated webpage.