What's new with the bio-based fertilisers?
B-ferst Newsletter #7 View online

Dear readers,

Welcome back to our newsletter, where we keep you updated with the project’s latest developments, news from the world of bio-fertilisers, and the achievements of our sister projects.

The eight biobased fertilisers have been validated in the third campaign of field trials, and the LCA analysis is now ongoing. The two demo plants dedicated to bio-waste treatment and bio-coating in Huelva, Spain have been completed. Project partners and CBE JU representative could visit it during the last meeting in Huelva in January.

B-Ferst is approaching its end, which means it is now disseminating its achievements: from the NERM event in Brussels, to the #CircularWasteEU social media campaign to showcase how B-Ferst contributes to the circular economy. 

B-Ferst has also published an interview delving into the topic of biodiversity and ULE recently published a scientific publication on the effects of the use of bio-based fertilisers. Additionally, B-Ferst continues to gather the latest opinion of experts and stakeholders in the world of the bio-based sector through workshops and trainings.

Find out what is happening in our sister projects: WalNUT has launched its interactive stakeholder platform, and project Model2Bio has developed some interesting editorial products to valorize agri-food side streams and identify promising value chains.

Stay tuned to hear more about what is coming next: from our final event, final video and brochure! Be the first to get our updates by following our social media accounts!

The Project Coordinator

Javier Branas

Updates from the project
Spotlight on trainings

B-Ferst organised throughout the last years several training and workshop sessions, and one stakeholder panel:

  • Fertilisation challenges - Read more at this link
  • Developing sustainable business models for bio-based fertilisers - Read more at this link
  • Bio-based fertilisers: the role of farmers and the challenges of bio-waste management - Read more at this link
  • Products and solutions for agriculture: projects for the local territory - Read more at this link
  • Wastewater as fertilisers resources - Read more at this link
  • Efficient use of nutrients and water in agriculture - Read more at this link
Scientific publication
What are the effects of the use of bio-based mineral fertilisers?
What are the effects of the use of bio-based mineral fertilisers?
New study suggests bio-based fertilisers are as effective as conventional ones
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Eric, the "punk gardener". When humility and counterculture serve biodiversity
Eric, the "punk gardener". When humility and counterculture serve biodiversity
Delve into this interview to read the story of Eric Lenoir
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Past and future events
NERM 2024
NERM 2024
B-Ferst shared its outcomes at The Nutrients in Europe Research Meeting on April 16th and 17th of April 2024 in Brussels
Click Here
BFerst final event
BFerst final event
B-Ferst will hold a final event in Brussels in July to celebrate its achievements and exchange lesson learnt with sister projects.
Click Here
Updates from the sister projects
The new Walnut stakeholder platform is active, check it out and exchange synergies and ideas!
Go to the news
What are the problems with waste management? What are the latest scientific innovations on reusing residues of food production? What is needed to make the agri-food sector a truly circular bioeconomy? What is the potential of the territory of Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, for the development of the bioeconomy?
Watch the recording
Discover the potential of the vegetable, dairy, beverage and meat sector and shows some of the most relevant agri-food by-products in Europe with the new model2bio white paper!
Find the White Paper
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